July 31, 2024

SparkUs Proposal Wins EMCC Global’s Research Project Call: AI-Supported Coaching Readiness Project

SparkUs is thrilled to announce that our proposal, the AI-Supported Coaching Readiness Project, has been selected as a winner in the prestigious EMCC Global Research Project Call for 2023/2024. This recognition highlights our innovative approach to integrating AI technology into coaching practices and our commitment to advancing the field of coaching.

Exploring AI-Supported Coaching

Our winning proposal addresses a crucial research question: How Can AI-Supported Technology Improve Coaching Readiness? The primary goal of the AI-Supported Coaching Readiness Project is to investigate the potential benefits and challenges of integrating AI into coaching practices. By examining how AI-supported technology can enhance coaching readiness, the project aims to provide valuable insights that will contribute to the coaching field.

The AI-Supported Coaching Readiness Project embodies a pioneering spirit by exploring innovative coaching approaches and aims to provide evidence-based findings on the evolving field of coaching technologies and AI.

The project will be conducted by Sparkus and led by Dr. Fahri Akdemir from RISEBA University of Business Arts and Technology, who will serve as the Project Manager. Sparkus co-founder Ozlem Sarioglu, also an EMCC member and executive coach, will act as the Project Coordinator. SparkUs will provide its AI-supported coaching technology and engage its global pool of coaches, NGOs, and corporations to source a diverse participant pool for the research.

Call to Action: Nominate Your Leaders

We invite companies and NGOs to nominate their leaders for this groundbreaking research. If you wish to nominate your leaders, fill out the form on the right. We will be providing coaching to a total of 80 leaders, with each company able to nominate 5-10 participants who fit the criteria (2-7 years of leadership experience).

Why Participate?

Enhance Leadership Skills: Provide your leaders with cutting-edge leadership support.

Contribute to Global Research: Be part of a global study that will shape the future of coaching.

No Cost Involvement: Participation is fully funded by EMCC Global & Sparkus.

Project Details

Participants: We are seeking 5-10 participants from your organization who are in the early stages of their leadership journey (2-7 years of leadership experience).

Duration: The coaching process will run from September to December 2024, with debriefs until mid-February 2025.

Sessions: Participants will receive three coaching sessions, either with or without receiving AI-supported coaching preparation beforehand, depending on their assigned group.

Deadline for Participation: Please confirm your participation by August 15th.

How to Nominate

To nominate your leaders, simply fill out the form on the right. We will follow up with further details.

Commitment to Confidentiality, and Diversity & Inclusion

The selection process for the AI-Supported Digital Coaching Research Project will be meticulously handled by Sparkus in strict adherence to EMCC Global’s research requirements. A key priority during this process will be the promotion of diversity. We believe that a diverse participant pool enriches the research and enhances the applicability of our findings across various contexts. Therefore, we will actively seek to include individuals from different cultural backgrounds, genders, ages, and professional experiences. By prioritizing diversity, we aim to ensure that our research is comprehensive and reflective of the global community we serve.

Additionally, this project adheres to EMCC Global’s Code of Ethics, ensuring that all coaching conversations are kept strictly confidential.